Friday, March 25, 2005

Celebrating the BFDO!

Many people don't know about Best Friend's Day Out. It was originated several years ago by one Susan Varghese. It is a special day in which you take time out of your daily routine to celebrate your friendship with your bestest friend. Today is my BFDO with Sonia. We have a little bit of nothing planned, which is why it's so exciting! We don't HAVE to do anything.

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of Sonia's life in OKC. These rare bonding times are soon going to come to an end, so we might as well enjoy it now. I think I'll slip into a life of a hermit after she leaves. Or maybe I'll take Billy up on his in his closet and eat flaming hot cheetos all day long. =/


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel sueveee, but think of it this way. It's another state for you to visit.

Before Jen's husband came to America, I spent sooo much time w/ her and I am glad I did.

Don't live in Billy's closet.. Come to PHILLY or NY =)

suitablegirl said...

mmmm, flaming hot cheeto... ;)