Friday, March 11, 2005

Just a thought...

In my neighborhood, we have a man-made lake...In fact, my friend, the Illustrious Finuji lives right in front of it. The lake draws geese, which can be spotted all around my neighborhood. As I was driving towards my house, I spotted a few geese, and I started pondering on why male birds are better looking in the bird species. I wondered why the same wasn't true in the human species...and then the thought suddenly came to me. God is sooooo beyond brilliant! He knew that if he created males to look better than females , the human race would never procreate because men are way too superficial and shallow to be with a female that's less attractive.


Scorps1027 said...

just imagining makes me shudder

Anonymous said...

ooh i like this background!

Anonymous said...

ohh that is sooo totally true...maybe not with ALL men, but God knows it is with a majority of ' we're so sexist

happy roy said...

and here i thought it was b/c that's all men were good for -- looking good -- while the females are smart and capable and don't have to hide behind a facade of beauty!

Anonymous said...

not all females are smart and capable and there's plenty who put-on