Monday, July 18, 2005

Back to the daily grind blues...

It is 4:35, and in 10 minutes, I will have survived my first day back from vacation. It's funny how you look forward to something so much for months and months...and then, in a matter of days it's all over, and you have nothing to look forward to anymore. Coming back to the redundancy of life in OKC has got me in a serious funk, which means I am officially suffering from "back to the daily grind" blues.

This happens to me EVERY time I come back from an extended vacation to a REAL city. I start contemplating my life...and trying to find ways to broaden my horizons. For the next few weeks I will try to find jobs in any city possible. Eventually the attempt to find a new job will become too taxing because I will hear NO responses. Then, I will give up all hope and pout because I will feel stuck in this rut called life in Oklahoma. After which, I will continue to be miserable day in and day out until my next vacation...only to re-live the cycle all over again!!!

I wish things could be different. Life is too short to be doing things that fill your days with dread. I want to wake up and be excited about doing something that i'm passionate about and good at. Why, why, why is this so hard to find? I don't know...but I have one minute left of this work day...and 5 hours to enjoy myself before I have to go to sleep in order to wake up and do this all over again! Bleh!


Anonymous said...

i kno how u feel poo =(

but i'm glad ur back =D

Anonymous said...

I am too, slimmy :) And I know that God will open a door for you sometime soon, I know it :)