Monday, October 30, 2006

Keepin' Hope Alive...

Encouraging Word:
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! Psalm 42:11

At church yesterday, someone spoke on "hope." He said that sometimes we are so scared of being disappointed that we protect ourselves by not hoping and trusting. This was a statement that I could totally relate to. I realized that the way I think and the way are act are my defense mechanisms to protect myself from disappointment.

As humans, we are driven by hope and plans for the future. But sometimes, life serves you up a pile o' crap on a silver platter, and you're left feeling as if everything you've hope and dreamed for is unattainable. Those sparks within in you that kept your flame for life burning begin to flicker out in the wake of the storm that just hit.

But, what is life with out hope for brighter days? If you keep getting knocked down, and refuse to get up lose. I guess what I'm saying is...I've learned over the past few months that it's ok to have hopes and dreams, but when you're living through a crisis...sometimes you have to step back and stop trying to see the entire picture. You just have to look at the piece of the picture that's right in front of your face...and get through the day. Keep your hopes and dreams alive because with out them you will lose your drive to overcome life's challenges.


happy roy said...

i was just thinking something similar today as well! i have been feeling heavy-hearted lately b/c i'm afraid to hope for something that's very important to me. i had myself convinced that if i didn't hope for it, then i couldn't be disappointed. i was thinking today how faithless i can be sometimes. what's wrong with having great expectations? especailly when you've prayed for something and you want to trust that God will provide. so here's to hope!

Anonymous said...

thanks for this post. i needed to hear that message!