It's been a busy three days...we went to Dallas this weekend so Matt could meet the family. Although we didn't get to see ALL of the family in Dallas, we managed to see most. And best of all...we had a special surprise on Saturday night....Baby Madeline and her parents were flying through Dallas on the way home from their vacation, so we were able to see all of them! It was definitely a treat. She was a bit tired from her traveling, but she still reached out to me, so I would pick her up...which TOTALLY made my day! The next morning, before she left, I took some pictures of her when she was in her playful here's a few shots of Maddy in motion!!
Love those cheeeeeks!
Did I mention that I love her cheeks??
After looking at pictures of her daddy as a's a unanimous vote that Madeline's Bobby all over again!! Let's hope her behavior/tempermant comes from Neesha!! ;)
I remember Rea and Becky when they were Maddy's age, and now they're teenagers! Time flies and kids grow up way too fast.
All the beautiful Andrews' kids....Becky, Elisa, Christie Ann, David, Ruthie, Rea, and lil' Hannah
Elisa and her daddy...
Christie Ann and her daddy, Reggie just got back from a trip to India. Reg went to high school in Madras, so he had organized a class reunion. When he told the family he'd be gone for a few weeks, Christie Ann wasn't very happy...she said, "Daddy, I can't be in this house with out you!" And then she stopped talking for three whole days!! Her teacher urged Reggie to take Christie Ann with him, and so he did. He said she was the best little travel assistant ever.
After all the family visiting we met up with a few friends. This is fotolog's very own...the infamous Slazman...I would have never thought he'd move from Hawaii to my backyard (Dallas).
Bald men unite!
I got to spend the evening catching up with my dear friend, Ruby...
who I've missed terribly. And in case you were, neither of us combed our hair in this was taken too early in the morning. =/
When we got home to OKC, we rusheddddd to the hospital to see Baby Elijah...(Sheryl and Sujith's baby boy!) He was born on Sunday...both Momma and baby are doing great! I think a few of his aunts and his mommy have decide to nickname him "Jaji" to go with Micahji (the nickname I created for Micah)...but, I decided I needed to come up with my own. I'm trying to decide between Eli and EJ...I guess I'll have to figure out which one annoys Sheryl more...and then pick that one!
Me babo-ing Eli/Ej into a medatative trance...
His eyelids were gettin' heavy...very very heavy.
Ok, I borrowed the rest of the pictures from various online sources...but I'm sure no one will mind! These are a few pics from Jess and Ashley's baby shower...The lovely parents-to-be
aw i hadn't seen any pics from jess's shower. she looks so cute! Sai & Sia are beautiful. Who are we kidding. you know u posted that pic to show off their dad :)
aww all the cutiekids!! im glad you had a great trip to dallas! and congrats to sheryl and sujith and to jessy and ashley!
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