Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sunny, Florida...

Sunny, Florida hasn't exactly been sunny the past few days....more like rainy, humid and cloudy...but I'm not complaining. We've been in the house four days...no fridge, no clothes, no furniture...but the movers will be arriving with our stuff early tomorrow morning. So far, I pretty much feel like I'm on vacation...staying in someone else's house...floating around in their pool...visiting my sister and BF. But that feeling should change soon enough....work starts TUESDAY.

I'd like to say that I'll be blogging a lot more frequently, but my computer isn't set up yet. I'm staying the night with BF tonight, and she urged me to blog before I hit the sack. (ever the best friend...she checks it daily...even when she knows I have no updates)

For once in my life...I must admit that I don't know what I'd do with out Gina (our navigation system)...she is my confidant these days. ;) So blogosphere...life continues on...it's new...it's exciting...it's stressful...and it's humid. I've learned to appreciate where I've come from (good ol' OKC) and be thankful for where God has brought me.

That's all for now....

1 comment:

kovoor36 said...

the weather has been crappy everywhere i think. good luck with the movers tomorrow and making your house a home!