Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Way Back Wednesday...

 OMG...I'm quite sure EVERY single person in this picture would royally pummel me if they knew that I posted this.   But, I can not control the luck (or bad luck) of the draw from my picture basket. Luckily, I'm pretty positive that none of these folks follow my blog, so I might just escape their wrath.
From taking a gander at myself and my awesomely amazing outfit...I would say that this might have been the summer of 1993... How I wish there were straight irons back then.  Or that I knew how to shape my eyebrows!  Yikes!!  The group of hooligans were sitting on my "ride"...a white Mitsubishi Mirage and that red Buick belonged to none other than JM (who was the photographer in this shot) It was rumored back then that I had a minor crush on him, but I vehemently deny that rumor.
That summer, we all hung out at each others houses every day, but this particular shot was taken in the parking lot of a movie theater...we watched Sliver, which was way too raunch to watch with a group of kids who went to my church.  The girl I'm leaning on is my good friend NC...who is not even recognizable in this pic!  Other than Nance, I haven't seen or talked to most of these folks in years.
However, there are some relationships...where things just don't seem to change regardless of how many years have passed.  The guy in the purple shirt (oddly matching the girl in the purple shirt...Conincidence?!?) is my buddy Stan.  He's pretty much the little brother I've never wanted.  Our relationship has always been and always will be a love hate relationship.  We absolutely love to hate on each other.  And although I haven't talked to him in a few years...I can bank on the fact that when we do see each other again...He'll bring up my car engine laugh, and I'll ask him to let me put my lipstick on in the glare of his forehead!
Aaahhhh...good friends!  This picture was a great stroll down memory lane for me! 
 Way Back Wednesdays are embarrassing but fun!

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