Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Seven Days of Thankfulness...Day Three

Ironically some of the things that I'm thankful for are also the things I complain about the most. I've often grumbled about why God gave me a creative brain. I much rather have a math/science brain that would land me a fancy job and  heavy cash flow. But instead I have the uncanny ability to watch M Knight Shymalan movies and know that "the Village" was really his view of 1st generation Indians in America. Is that a stretch?? Possibly... I digress.

But, I love creating things...whether it be a blog post or the perfect cupcake topper for a birthday party!!  My creativity has opened doors for me to make my beautiful brides!!...have fun book reading NYC...has challenged when I work with squirrellyMerly on her visions of grandeur...and provided me with so many crazy the time Sheba and I got a call from a Mother of the Bride about a missing Amachi.

I do realize creativity is a blessing and a gift from God...and it makes me uniquely me!

my current favorite mug...

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