Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Bahamas Bound...

A brilliant idea came to me yesterday while I was battling to keep my eyes open during the 9 to 5. My mother's 60th birthday is in November, and I thought it'd be great to plan a cruise for her. I quickly emailed my sister, and she agreed that this would be a fantabulous idea. Just this weekend my mom was bragging about her friend's son who bought one ticket for his parents to go on a cruise to Alaska. Then she gave me that "Woe is me" look...that "I'll never get to enjoy like that" look.

My sister and I are looking into the 3 day cruise to the Bahamas on a Disney cruiseliner. I'm not big on "Disney," but that's where we have the hook I'm not going to be choosey. And, although they say "3 day," it's actually only one day in the Bahamas, one day on some Disney-owned island, and one day on the boat. It still sounds rather good to me. Now, I just have to make sure my aunt's on board with the my sister and I can ditch the old fogies and "partay." Who am I kidding? She and I will probably be more boring than my mom and aunt.

There's only a few things that scare me when considering a cruise. The thought of sinking...I CAN'T SWIM. I took 2 rounds of swimming lessons and STILL can't swim. And this wasn't taken when I was a child...this was like 3 years ago. 5 year olds were diving at the deep end and I was in the shallow end with my friends "the noodles" that I clung to for dear life. I also fear being shipwrecked! The show LOST has me completely freaked out about such things. My worst fear is the buffet. Seriously, I smell relapse. I guess I'll get over the fears in order to provide a memorable experience for the parental unit....mainly to get her to quit whining about not "enjoying life."


Anonymous said...

ok 1) ur mom's gonna be 60?!? she SOO doesn't look it...

2) that sounds like SO much fun, poo...we saw a video about all the stuff disney has...the cruise looks like a lot of fun...just so u know, there are gonna be a lot of little kids runnin around cuz its a Disney thing...but still, it'll be fun...

3) as for swimming, i'm sure they'll have noodles on board that u can use =) free urself and have fun =D

Anonymous said...

I've been on a cruise to the Bahamas w/ Jess and couple of other girls. It's FUN! I am not sure if i'd do it again, but it's a great experience. I felt sea sick on the first day, but it went away. Guess what... I CAN'T SWIM either.. but i was the first one to do jet skiing and parasailing. You really are strapped in and you won't fall. The ship ISN'T GOING TO SINK.. calm down.. You paranoid freak ;)
Enjoy yourself..