Friday, September 30, 2005

u mean u don't spell segway that way?

Word of the day:
segue \SEG-way; SAYG-way\, intransitive verb:
To proceed without interruption; to make a smooth transition

Read Suja K's blog first, and it will segue into my blog.

I can't believe that's how you spell segway...when I first saw this word, I thought "what the heck does seg-you mean?" I feel as shocked as I did when I discovered that outfit isn't spelled alphet. shocking, i tell u!

The question of the day:
If you could eat dinner with three people (alive or dead), who would it be?

I know most people say Jesus as their #1 person. But to me, Jesus isn't a person, He's a divine being. I wouldn't want to eat dinner with Him because I'm not worthy of such an honor. So if you don't mind...I'll pick 3 mere mortals for this dream dinner.

#1 My dad...However this might not prove to be such a good choice. I would want to ask my dad a zillion questions...and he always used to have this strict rule about not talking while you eat. So, most likely...I would just end up annoying him, and he wouldn't have such a great time. But regardless, I'd definitely want him at this special dinner because he was the most special person I've ever known.

#2 My BF...She would be the first person I would call after such an amazing dinner. So, I might as well just invite her and let her be a part of it, so I wouldn't miss any details when explaining it to her. Plus, she's pretty dern special if this is a dinner for special people, it wouldn't be complete unless she was there!

#3 JJ Abrams...I have no idea if he's special or not. I'm sure his wife would like to believe so. But, i have more important matters to discuss with him. Like..."Lost"...WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE?!? Afterall, I spend a lot of sleepless hours on Wednesday night considering this very question. It would be great to discuss it with someone who actually has the answers!

and for dessert...Antonio Sabato Jr of course! (and I wouldn't mind if the rest of the guests left at that point) ;)


kovoor36 said...

mmmm, jagger! yummy!!

Anonymous said...

i was pronouncing it "seg-you" too LOL

thanks for the english lesson poo =)