Friday, September 25, 2009


It's interesting how I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. And then, I walk into my office and it's like I've suddenly been rolled over by a steam engine. My energy source feels depleted, and lying under the covers of my cozy bed is all I can think about.

It's Friday...thank God. It's been a painfully slow week. Maybe this is because I'm suffering the "back to reality" blues after my wonderful vacay last week. This weekend proposes to be a busy one. I have one more wedding to do for 09 and it's coming up rather quickly. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to plan for this one and since the bride lives out of town, it makes planning really difficult. This weekend is one of the few weekends she will be in town before the big day, so there's lots to do and discuss.

Other than that....sushi and wine on the menu for tonight. It should be a relaxing evening to get me ready for the busy weekend ahead!

1 comment:

kovoor36 said...

have a good weekend and good luck with the wedding stuff! and i really really miss sushi:(