Sunday, November 02, 2014

First ever Halloween 40!

So I work with a lot of 20 something's and I find that they keep me young at heart... Mostly because they tell me wonderful things like "there's no way you're that old!" Ok so maybe that sounds like a cross between a compliment and an insult, but hey I will take it! Anyway, one of the 20 something's invited me to a HalloweenHouse Party  replete with a black light and techno music bumping in the garage!  At first I thought perhaps I was too old for this party but the 20something assured me that attending was not optional! So, I began my search for the perfect costume...after all it was my first Halloween party except for the ones we used to have in elementary school.  So after a lot of Pinterest-ing I came to the conclusion that 98% of Halloween costumes for women are slutty and homie doesn't do slutty!  So instead I found inspiration from this adorable baby!

Now my friends were a little skeptical...I mean, sure, the baby is ridiculously cute in this costume.  But how cute would this be on a grown adult?  I was convinced that I could make it work...So despite the popular opinion, I went to Hobby Lobby on Friday night and bought approximately 150 puffy balls to glue on an old beanie, some sparkly felt and a red long sleeve t-shirt.

  An voila! Here we have it adult version of the gumball machine costume!  Now, am I as cute as the baby version? Ehhh not quite.  However, I got a few high five and a few "that's an awesome costume" and "oh my Godddd, she's a gumball machineeee!"  So overall, the costume and the party was a huge success!  I laughed more than I have laughed in a good ten years and I got to spend a day in the life of a 20 something again!  Now could I do this every weekend?  Most definitely not...but every once in a's fun to be a kid again!!

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