Monday, November 29, 2010

I have very few "favorite" people in the world...but this is girl is definitely one of them. Suetee,
my most favorite double cousin. My cousins and I don't get to see each other very much...once a year if we're lucky or at family weddings...which seem to be few and far between lately. But, it doesn't really matter because we talk on the phone incessantly (thus my unlimited minutes on my cell phone).,,,and we just have this special bond. I know if either of them are reading this they're probably gagging or rolling their eyes...or just feeling plum embarrassed because I'm "over emotional"...which is the kinder/more politically correct word than what they would use. But it's true...we do have a special bond. I sometimes wondered if we'd be friends if we weren't cousins...and the answer is... I highly doubt it. We are polar opposites in every sense of the word, but our family bond makes us accept each others quirky ways, stay close, and love each other (there! I said the L word too!) beyond measure. Happy birthday to my cousin, my friend...and one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world!

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