Watching yesterday's Oprah was an eye opening experience. On the show, she discussed how shoes, purses, and accessories can actually make you look leaner. The eye opening part was....I already knew that! I guess I'm not the fashion retard that I had assumed myself to be!
Remember when those tiny purses were fashionable? You know, the tiny purses you could barely fit your car key and phone into? I never owned one. I saw 'fluffy' girls carry them and realized they looked 'fluffier' doing so! My purse of choice is a mid-size, square (to match my sweaters). This is apparently a good choice because the stylist on the show mentioned that round girls should never carry round purses.
Next up is shoes...There was a point in time when I would wear four inch heels. But, that was a time when big, bulk heels were all the rave. Now that thin, sleek, pointy heels are 'in'...I can't seem to make my extra wide feet balance themselves in a pair of heels. I'm more of a wedge heel kind of girl. They give me the height I so desperately need, while giving my foot a bit of support. I also appreciate a nice, comfy pair of ballet flats. But, according to the stylists on Oprah, a shrimp like me should primarily where heels in order to maintain a facade of being tall and slender. favorite subject. The show didn't really stress the importance of them...but I will. Accessories are my #1 weakness. I typically find a fabulous pair of earrings and then find clothes to match. I know normal people usually shop the other way around. This season's hot accessory is scarves...which happen to be my latest obsession. Per the show, they make your torso look longer. I could def'ly use some torso length. I happen to think a necklace/scarf, a pair of earrings, and a cute bracelet or a fabulous cocktail ring just makes you look more put together. It makes an outfil look well though out...and makes things more interesting. And in case you're reading this and live in the OKC area....check $1 jewelry Galore on 23rd and Penn (my accesories store of choice)...all their earrings, bracelets, and necklaces are ONLY a dollar!...and their cocktail rings are $1.99...a steal of a deal!