Sunday, November 29, 2009

Below is a picture taken over the weekend...from a little soiree we attended. When I moved back in March and started helping Shines and Merly plan their wedding. I didn't know that it was going to be the beginning of a new business venture...or the beginning of a very special friendship.
I really don't know what Matt and I did on the weekends before these two became our "couple" we have partners to go to church, to kill buffets, to house hunt, to laze around on Sunday evenings, and to taste test new recipes.
The Thomas's love the Mathews. ;)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Well, it was an interesting weekend. The wedding was on Saturday, and although overall, it went well. There were a few unforseen glitches I had to deal with. I guess I learned that even if you do something that you absolutely can still have an off day. The entire event was just a learning experience....I learned that not everyone will always appreciate me or see things my way. And, I realized that there is a time to be a silent and a time to speak up....and stand up for myself.

Luckily, I have another event to work on coming up in January. I love that business has been coming in steadily. I guess I officially have a "side gig" now. Saturday someone had actually asked me for my business card.. So last night I sat down and created one for myself. I'm really thankful that I was able to take some small steps and start doing things I really enjoy this year...I just hope that next year I can make even more progress!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's 2:30 in the morning, and here I am blogging at this ungodly hour! I find that my brain is so full of things that I'm stressing about that I can't make myself relax long enough to fall asleep!!!

Basically, my stress is centered around the wedding I'm working on that is coming up next weekend. With the bride and groom in Dallas, it has made for a complex situation. I usually get nervous before every wedding, but this time it's a bit more than just nerves. It's anxiety.

I'm sure in the end it will be fine...mainly, because I'm begging and pleading to God that it will be. I have also called in a few favors from my pro-bono assistant. Knowing she will be there to calm me down during my potential melt down is comforting.

I hear Matt and Mousse snoring...I think I'm going to try to go join them....

Monday, November 09, 2009

Well, we were off to Dallas for Stan and Sheryl's wedding. I've known Stan since I was ten...
STAN how can I can explain him?
I'll take you frame by frame him...
Actually, my whole Stan description in the tune of OPP won't work because every word I think of to describe him doesn't start with S-T-A-or N.
Stan is the little brother I never wanted but somehow adopted. I know deep down he loves me, but you have to dig pretty deep to get that because whether it's been a month or six years I've seen him, we always pick up where we left off....and where we left off is him dawging me mercilessly. =/
But, Saturday was a monumental day...he was blissfully happy and sweet. I hope Sheryl will only bring out a lil' more of that in him in the future! the happy couple cutting their beautiful cake...
I have shared lots of great times with the Crystal (to the right), so it was great seeing her again after so long! Sonia, me and Sheryl...with Elijah.
My girls...
The other chair was missing someone....Sunu.
My gracious host for the weekend...
Me and Matt totally fell in love with this lil' guy was a great was great seeing my friends from way back when and re-connecting!...and it was especially great to see Stan happy in love!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Well, it's official...I've fallen back into "The Hills" trap. Since LC left, I haven't really been following it. Not that I'm a huge LC fan. Towards the end...her "I'm so mature, and you're so not" attitude was working my nerves. (Not to mention, I'm slightly jealous of 3 book deal. Why is it only the rich get richer?!?) But, it's like when she left, it brought the whole facade to light. And suddenly, the Hills seemed so fake! Never mind Matt's been telling me that since the very first time he watched an episode. I refused to believe it and couldn't get enough of the drama...the catfights...the love hate relationships.

This time, I've fallen back into watching the show because I love to hate on it. It's almost embarrassing for Kristen Cavalleri to take up this new roll on the show. Being the replacement for your high school nemesis?? She must be desperate. And, would anyone care to tell me how her and Bartender Stacey became friends? I mean aren't there zillions of people in LA? And of all those zillion, she's BFs with HER?? A bit too coincidental I'd say.

I also don't get the Lo/Audrina/Steph friendship. Where'd Steph and Lo come from, anyway? How in the world did they weasel their ways into this show? And how does Holly and Heidi's mom feel about the show portraying Holly as an alcoholic?? I don't know why I do it...I need reality rehab.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I'm currently listening to the tunes of "way back Wednesdays." 80's music is the one thing that gets me through hump day.

I recently explored a website that I wanted to share with you. I have been attending Life Church in Okc for the past eight months. I really love this church because they are coming up with innovative ways to spread the gospel and reach people.

You Version is one of their innovative ideas. I'm still learning how to use it, but I love what I know so far. Basically, it's the Bible on line. It has suggested daily readings, a place for you to jot notes, a place for you to hilight and save passages....It also has a place where you can read other peoples thoughts on certain passages and you can share your ideas with the community as well. It's a very cool way to get your daily dosage of the word. You don't have to live in Oklahoma or go to the church to use the website, it's for everyone! Even more awesome is that you can access You Version from your phones! Check it out!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Watching yesterday's Oprah was an eye opening experience. On the show, she discussed how shoes, purses, and accessories can actually make you look leaner. The eye opening part was....I already knew that! I guess I'm not the fashion retard that I had assumed myself to be!
Remember when those tiny purses were fashionable? You know, the tiny purses you could barely fit your car key and phone into? I never owned one. I saw 'fluffy' girls carry them and realized they looked 'fluffier' doing so! My purse of choice is a mid-size, square (to match my sweaters). This is apparently a good choice because the stylist on the show mentioned that round girls should never carry round purses.

Next up is shoes...There was a point in time when I would wear four inch heels. But, that was a time when big, bulk heels were all the rave. Now that thin, sleek, pointy heels are 'in'...I can't seem to make my extra wide feet balance themselves in a pair of heels. I'm more of a wedge heel kind of girl. They give me the height I so desperately need, while giving my foot a bit of support. I also appreciate a nice, comfy pair of ballet flats. But, according to the stylists on Oprah, a shrimp like me should primarily where heels in order to maintain a facade of being tall and slender. favorite subject. The show didn't really stress the importance of them...but I will. Accessories are my #1 weakness. I typically find a fabulous pair of earrings and then find clothes to match. I know normal people usually shop the other way around. This season's hot accessory is scarves...which happen to be my latest obsession. Per the show, they make your torso look longer. I could def'ly use some torso length. I happen to think a necklace/scarf, a pair of earrings, and a cute bracelet or a fabulous cocktail ring just makes you look more put together. It makes an outfil look well though out...and makes things more interesting. And in case you're reading this and live in the OKC area....check $1 jewelry Galore on 23rd and Penn (my accesories store of choice)...all their earrings, bracelets, and necklaces are ONLY a dollar!...and their cocktail rings are $1.99...a steal of a deal!