Friday, September 26, 2008

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Sometimes...

It’s off-season for vacations, so business has slowed down quite drastically. This is good and bad. It’s bad because the nights are now as slow as molasses and because I’ve lost that sense of job security. But, it’s good because people around me aren’t quite so stressed because there is actually time to breathe and visit with each other.

Today’s topic of discussion in my quad was…….”having an occasional girls night out.” I remember when I was single and my married friends said they didn’t have time to call their friends or go out anymore because most of their time was spent with their spouses. I wondered if I too would become that way with the prescence of a husband in my life. After one year of marriage, I can safely say that I don’t think that I’m too busy to call my friends or hang out with my friends because I’m too busy with my husband. The problem is more about my odd work schedule and my lapsing memory….but definitely not my spouse.

Now, that I’m married…all of my “married friends” are now mommies….which is an entirely different ball game. Even the husband gets thrown to the curb when the babies arrive. Life becomes all about the babies and there is even less time for those friends that were once considered lifelines. I’ve watched enough TLC baby shows and known enough Mommies to know that babies monopolize one’s time. However, as we discussed in my quad today, it’s important to have a little good ol’ fashioned time with the “girlz.” It helps to keep one sane. It keeps you grounded so you don’t lose sight of who you are. Mommies aren’t just care givers who clean spit up, make meals, do laundry and dishes, and shuttle kids around…Mommies are people too!!

My BF is a brand new Mommy…and since she happens to be baby Maddi’s food source, we haven’t gotten to have our “best friends day out” in a few weeks. But, she makes time to call or text me daily. I’d like to think that our conversations are good for both of us…our chance to vent, chat, cry, laugh…etc, etc. CCL and SueTee are also two mommies that I chat with every day. It amazes me how they can juggle the phone, carry on conversations with me AND their kids…all while lil’ ones are hanging on their arms and legs. But, the point is…they make the time.

Basically, our time is what we make of it. It's important to be devoted to your make sure their needs are met and the household runs smoothly. But, it's also important to connect with people, have a good time, laugh, share, and let loose. Suddenly...I feel like watching Sex and the City....I'm sure there's a re-run playing right about now if I hurry!!


Anonymous said...

thanks Sue for that entry today! I agree (maybe the whole mom n girls thing doesnt apply to me bc im a dude) but, i do agree that no matter what comes along if u want and if u truly care, u can make some time daily or regularly for the people you care abt! Lately ive begun to feel like im the only human being that thinks that way and it sucks to give so much of urself and not get even a little bit of that in thank u :)

Anonymous said...

For the Love of Buddah! UPDATE OR SHUT IT DOWN!