Today, I'd like to discuss a few syndromes that medical science has yet to prove, study, define, or find a cure for. Yet, we all know they exist, they torture the lives of some of our nearest and dearest, and there is no proven cure. Thankfully, they are not deadly or contagious, however they're annoying...not to the victim of the disease...but to those around them.
Let's start with MCS, or the Middle Child Syndrome. This Syndrome affects the kids wedged in the middle of their siblings in birth order. The kid often feels neglected and forgotten...and these feelings are inbedded within them and feelings of insecurity and akwardness follow them through out their lives.
Equally harmful is OCS, or only child syndrome. This is the kid who is the shining star of the family. Placed on a pedastal through out his/her life...they forget in adulthood that other people DO matter. That their parents worlds' orbit around them...but not everyone else's.
UDS, ugly duckling syndrome is not as prevelant as the other syndromes, but there are a few cases in America and through out the world. This is when an unattractive kid, blossoms later in life and begins to make up for the time that was lost being vying for attention from the opposite sex.
In the same category is PGS, or pretty girl syndrome. These are basically girls who never went through an ugly duckling phase, and were always recognized for their beauty...nothing else. These girls grow up thinking they have nothing more to offer the world except their ravaging good looks. They grow up to pursue other things in life, but nothing brings them as much satisfaction than a compliment about their looks...even if they have to milk a compliment from the lowest of low lives.
SMC, or short man's complex is something that affects the vertically challenged. They walk around trying to prove to the world that their stature has nothing to do with who they are inside. And although they're right, for the most part, their need to prove themselves often come off as insecurity.
Last but not least, is the PKS, or the preacher's kids syndrome. These are the kids who grew up under the roof of a preacher's home. Being sheltered from sin their whole lives, they go a lil buck wild when they taste their first taste of freedom.
Now, I'm not saying that every middle child, only child, former-ugly duckling, pretty girl, pastor's kids and short man suffers from these diseases...In fact, my nephew Aaron is an only child, and he's the most amazing, well-rounded, sensible, remarkable child I've ever met in my whole life...and I swear I'm not bias. That being said, his mother, my sister is a middle child...she doesn't have MCS...she's anal retentive, yes...overly competivie when playing board games, yes...but she doesn't have MCS. And my good friend, Billy is vertically challenged...and mentally challenged, and a preacher's kid, but he doesn't have SMS or PKS (anymore) ;)...and I know lots of beautiful girls and former ugly ducklings that are very normal individuals who know there is more to life than convincing everyone that they are beautiful...
However, there are a few out there roaming the world that suffer from the syndromes/complexes, so when you come across them...handle them with care and understanding....and most of all, patience.