Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend in Review...

This weekend wasn't a particularly exciting one...I did the usual cleaning and laundry, caught up on phone calls with the seester, mom came over for a visit, church on Sunday and I watched a lot of TV. I know it doesn't sound very productive...However I did take some time to do a little baking...
First I made a chocolate cake topped with chocolate chips for my friend Merly since she is forever complaining about me not making her enough sweet treats (apparently she thinks she's pretty special and deserves them or something)

And then I made a strawberry cake for one of my co-workers, Shelley.  It was her birthday and since I think she's pretty awesome...I agreed to bake her a cake.
I also started planning a party! Now usually when I plan's for someone else.  But, this time I'm hosting one at my house.  It's a little Halloween inspired "Ghoul's Night Out!"  I'm a excited about it and will share my favorite ideas for decorations and food as the party progresses!  

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