Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Never fear...I'm still here.  I've been trapped in a bathroom for 3 days...painting, that is.  My mom was going to hire some painters for the job, but Matt volunteered us to do it instead.  *Sigh*  So, I spent the better part of the weekend taping, painting, cleaning...Bleh!  If I never see a paintbrush again...it will be too soon!!

I heard something so startling today...NEXT WEEK IS THANKSGIVING!  Seriously?  Where are the days going?  What's even more sad is that our plans are not quite nailed down yet.  I would love to join the fam in DFW, but I have to work the next day.  And driving back and forth in one day doesn't sound appealing...but what do you do?  Last year, the maternal unit and I went Black Friday shopping after turkey dinner.  We weren't after awesome things like TVs or laptops...we bought dumb things like towels and tupperware...Boy was I lamenting the next morning after I went into work after only 4 hours of sleep.  That won't be happening again...Ever.

Life seems to be moving in fast foward...and it's a little scary.  It was 20 somethin' degrees this morning, which means it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  I'm no where near ready for it.  Bahumbug!

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