Monday, February 01, 2010

55 words of fiction...

I went to the work party at Mark’s against my better judgment. I was never very good at making small talk or socializing with co-workers outside of work. For some reason, it just felt unnatural to me to see them in casual clothes, talking about non-work-related topics, and sipping alcoholic beverages. I shouldn’t have gone.


kovoor36 said...

keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

Of course I could have stayed in again on a Saturday night and watched re-runs of Project Runway, or even better .. Anthony Bourdain! So maybe going to the party wasn't a bad idea after all. Maybe Mark was interested in me in some way other than the assistant tasked with every menial job possible.

Anonymous said...

So Miss Susan Varghese.. or is it Mrs. now.. Last time we chatted you were single and had just gotten published.. Seems a lot has happened since we last communicated.. btw. The wife loved ur book.. ;-)

Sue V. said...

anonymous #2...who are you?

Anonymous said...

Here are a few hints.. I live in NY. Married a beautiful Pentecostal girl.. we have never met.. but know each other very well.. You sent me a copy of your book when you first got published.. However we have many mutual friends.. btw.. I'll add to ur 55 this weekend.. ;)

Sue V. said...

anonymous #2, does your name rhyme with fierce? and your other name rhyme with penny? ha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue! You are really good! How are you? We have to catch up soon. Sorry, I am in and out.. but my wife and I are expecting our third child .. soon. The baby is due March 23rd, but probably will be here first week of March.


Sue V. said...

Pierce!! we def'ly do need to catch up! #3! another girl?? Can't wait to hear from you SOON. Tell Ive I said hello!!