Monday, November 16, 2015

My Dog is Transpecies....

I think from the beginning, Mousse has never received the memo that she’s a dog.  When she was a puppy, we butt heads over this constantly.  I tried to do puppy things with play fetch, but she wanted to play keep away instead…I tried to make her spend time outside, but she never would unless I was out there too….I tried to make her sleep on a dog bed, but she preferred my bed over hers…I arranged play dates with my friends’ dogs, but she had no interest in the dogs and wanted to play with my friends instead, she even refused to eat dog food unless it was topped with milk or some kind of human food.  It became abundantly clear to me that my dog is transspecies and that I had to accept her as a human because she would never behave like the dog species she was born into.  People think I’m nuts for the way I cater to her like she’s a little kid.  But, that’s the way she sees herself and now, that’s the way I see her….one big bratty little girl!!  

Every once in a while, I’m reminded how absolutely abnormal it is…Like when Htown brings her pup over.  Riley is a typical pup…she’s playful, loves to be outside, eats her dog food, chases after critters and bugs, plays fetch, sleeps on a dog bed.  She’s a dog’s dog.  This could be why Mousse wants to have nothing to do with her.  She often tries to pretend like she doesn’t see her by being super still and turning her eyes away from her in hopes that Riley will mistake her for a dog statue instead of a dog.

I wonder if there are groups for transspecies dogs.  If not, maybe Mousse and I should start one.

Mousse ignoring Riley... 
 Me &  sweet Riley pup!!  I love her!!  Shh...don't tell Mousse!

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