Thursday, November 26, 2015

Seven Days of Thankfulness....Day Four

I don't think I've ever been more reflective or thankful on Thanksgiving than I am this year. Thankfulness shouldn't be something we save for one day of the year it should be a daily occurrence. But life gets in the way...bad days at work, fights with your spouse, financial worries, health problems...the list is endless!! The things we are not thankful for block our vision of the plethora of simple things we overlook and should be thankful for.

As silly as this sounds, this year one of the things I'm most thankful for is the ability to eat a thanksgiving meal. I have been struggling with a pain in my esophagus that has made me grimace while swallowing something as simple as water. However today, I can take smaller bites and chew till my food is pulverized and swallow turkey and fixings!!  My heart goes out to my new friend who struggles with my same issue I do but is on a feeding tube.

We overlook the simple things in life...until we no longer have them. Take time to reflect and be thankful on the helps to keep your mind positive and focused on what's important.

I'm also thankful for BF! Today is her birthday!! I'm so grateful for her life and so many years of friendship! She is my sunshine when skies are gray!!

Happy Birthday, BF!

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