Thursday, January 26, 2006

I stole the following from my pal Miss SunuK- from the extraordinary life of an not-so-ordinary librarian.
Facts about me:
A is for Age:
31...time keeps slipping away like sands thru an hourglass

B is for Booze of choice:
Vodka most preferably mixed with something fruity

C is for Career:
I wish C stood for chip of choice because that would be easier to answer...hmm, a writer?

D is for your Dog's name:
Mousse...short for Moussipher

E is for Essential items you use every day:
Oatmeal, my cellphone, straws, my black sweater (the 2nd one that is currently missing!!)

F is for Favorite song at the moment:

Check up on it-Beyonce

G is for favorite Games:

H is for Hometown:
Chicago, Illinois.

I is for Instruments you play:
Piano, Clarinet, Cymbals, and Tambourine. ;)

J is for Jam or Jelly you like:
mmm..I don't have the luxury of eating jam anymore, but peach was so awesome!

K is for Kids:
Yes, please

L is for Last kiss:
don't ask it will only depress you

M is for Most admired trait:
loyalty, humility, humor, selflessness

Most admired by others?
probably humor

N is for Name of your crush:
Barrett Hardridge, a beautiful brown-eyed boy

O is for Overnight hospital stays:
yep, once

P is for phobias:
failure and bad guys

Q is for quotes you like:
I am woman hear me roar. that's the only one i can think of at the moment

R is for biggest Regret:
no regrets- it's too late now

S is for Sweets of your choice:
JC's chocolate cake

T is for Time you wake up:

U is for Underwear:
All you need to know is that I wear them.

V is for Vegetable you love:
broccoli, zuchinni, corn on the cob

W is for Worst Habit:
biting my nails

X is for X-rays you've had:

Y is for Yummy food you make:
I make awesome brownies, my chicken parmesan and pasta fazul isn't so bad either

Z is for Zodiac sign:

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