Thursday, January 17, 2008

According to the American Kennel Club, Labrador Retrievers have once again been chosen as the #1 breed of dogs. I certainly didn't agree with this yesterday when Mousse had an unusual explosion of sorts last night while Matt and I were at the gym. I walked into the house after a long, hard an undescribable stench and for the next hour was frantically lighting candles, scrubbing messes, spraying disinfectants, and plugging in air freshners. The joys of dog ownership....I tell ya.

Life has become a bit mundane...or maybe it's always been mundane, and I'm just figuring it out. It dawned on me when Billy and I were exchanging emails about cheese. Yes, cheese...It started off with a discussion about gorgonzola and ended with me discussing how much I enjoyed the tangy, sharp taste of cheese. At one point he said, "wow...this is what has become of us? we're discussing cheese?!?" That's when I realized...I'm boring! The hilight of my week is when I get a movie from Blockbuster in the mail! There's something wrong with this picture. To add some excitement to our lives, Matt and I decided to go to Dallas this weekend since I'm off on Monday. We'll visit family...visit friends...and have a grand ol' time.

In other news...the Mayor of Oklahoma City has put the entire state on a diet. I jumped on board a few weeks ago...and I hope the city sees great results. He'll be on Ellen discuss his attempts to make Oklahomans more fit and healthy for 08!

1 comment:

kovoor36 said...

the whole city is on a diet?? does that philly is next?? because i think we have been the most obese city in america for liek 5 yrs now!