Monday, January 14, 2008


I love having visitors over to the house...especially now that there is actually room to sit, stand and walk around with out them tripping over their own feet!! Last week I was visited by none other than Angelina and Snugglebug and their parents. I was hoping Jul and Derrick were dropping off Snugglebug for a "permanent" visit...but I guess they're not ready for that yet. =/
Angie taking Moussey for a ride... Moussey and Snugglebug having a staring contest...
Sonia, be very very ashamed. How old is Angelina again? Oh yah...3...and she's completely FEARLESS. You'd be crying in a corner if someone asked you to pose for a picture with Moussey!
Last Friday, I had lots of visitors...In fact, it was so loud, I was pretty certain the neighbors would come banging on my door to complain. This is precisely what happens when Wins and Shines join in on a party!!
The guest of honor...Ashley got her wisdom teeth pulled and her face was a bit swollen, so she wasn't posing for pictures....oh also phantoms don't photograph well. HA!
Shines tried to bother me while I was trying to play Taboo, and now he has the scar to prove that I play to win...
Les...always camera ready.

1 comment:

kovoor36 said...

angelina has gotten so big!! too cute!