I know...I wish...I hope
I Live: Oklahoma City, OK
I Work: for the BC
I Talk: English fluently, Spanish when I'm feeling silly, Malayalam like a village idiot
I Wish: to live my life fearlessly and to my full potential
I Enjoy: doing surveys like these
I Look: outside my window at work every day at this big beautiful church and dream of getting married in it some day!!
I'm sure: that even when it feels like i'm all alone, I'm loved.
I Find: personality quizzes so highly interesting
I Smell: glade air wisps
I Listen: this CD finu made me every single night before I go to sleep
I Hide: very little of myself. I'm very open if u ask or care.
I Pray: that I can experience God in a real way.
I Walk: my dog when it's warm outside and we have fun, fun, fun!
I Write: and I love it!...it makes me feel like I am doing what I was made to do
I See: the glass half empty.
I Sing: when no one's around
I Laugh: while I watch friends...even if I've seen it 60 times!
I love: God, writing, my family, my friends...so much more!
I can: eat JC's chocolate cake every day all day!
I Watch: Lost...religiously!
I Learn: from my mom
I Dream: of being a wife, mom, a writer..
I Want: to live life according to God's purpose
I Cry: very rarely now
I Burn: finu's ears when i straighten her hair
I Read: very slowly
I Sometimes: get really frustrated for days on end
I Touch: mousse's ears constantly
I Hurt: when I think that my life is not where it should be
I Fear: that it will never be where it should be
I Hope: that one day i will feel fulfilled.
I Break: bread? i dunno...i don't break things anymore (knock on wood)
I Eat: out of boredom
I Quit: too easily
I Bathe: every morning
I Drink: water only
I Save: wedding cards and programs
I Hug: if forced to
I Meditate: in my room
I Play: scrabble almost every night
I Miss: my dad every day
I Hold: babies every chance i get
I Forgive: easily
I Drive: my mom nuts
I Have: the world's best BF
I Don't: hold a grudge
I Made: pretty cool bead earrings
I Kiss: Suja and Sunu's mom's arss...only cuz i love her!
I Believe: that there is so much more to my life than this
I Owe: Blockbuster for an over due movie
I Feel: like perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel
I Know: all things work together for good that those that love the lord!