Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I've been thinking lately that I have nothing to blog about...but then, after talking to my cousin Tee last night, I realized my whole life is one big blog...and the title is "the plight of the single woman." I have stories...disasterous stories...funny-as-hell stories...sad stories etc, etc...

Last night's topic of conversation stemmed from a re-hash after "The Bachelor." We were discussing Sarah from Tennessee...the girl who merely lives a block away from the bachelor...the good, wholesome, real girl...who has no ulterior motives and plays no mind games. She's the best candidate for the bachelor. I think he himself knows this, but for some reason...their relationship hasn't moved past the stage of friendship.

This is what we discussed...how on earth do you move past that stage? I'm constantly labled "the faithful friend"...I often say that God meant to make me a chocolate lab because truly...I'm man's best friend. Tee says it's about sex appeal. I quickly asked her if this is why her husband fell for her...and she burst into laughter. Ok...so maybe it's not about sex appeal. She said I should use clever little flirtatious comments. I guess it would help if my brain processed comments like that...but I always think of clever things to say afterwards. Grrr...I hate that!

I got no game...but is it about game? I keep telling myself to just be myself...and the right guy will appreciate my qualities. But, is it really that simple?


kovoor36 said...

i think in essence it should be that simple, someone appreciating yourself for just that, yourself. but in reality, i think there is more to it. im still not sure what that is, but if i ever figure it out, ill let you know first:)

Anonymous said...

Its all about games gurl, you gotta put yo' bizness in the streetz and see who's buyin', ya heard? My man snookee is da original playah pimp, and he lets these scandalous females know he's bout it bout it. So take a tip from snookee J. and let yo stuff hang with the Wu-Tang.