Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Encouraging Word:
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:10

I'm bored. Living alone with out TV or internet is aging me. I miss the trashy reality shows on MTV more than you know. I've been sleeping really early and waking up really early. I just begged a friend to come over for Tea and Crumpets. Why do I feel like a sixty year old?

The good news is, I got my couch last night. Oddly enough, the couch seemed tiny to me at the house where I got it from. But inside my apartment, it's of massive proportions. The guys had a wee bit of a hard time squeezing it through the doorway. Now that it's in...I don't forsee me ever getting it out. And the guys mentioned that I shouldn't call them for that project...=/ I've got a year to worry about that one. ;)

Mousse is with the Maternal Unit today. I decided this was a better option than leaving her in the apartment to bark her head off at the maintenance guys who will be putting in my new counter tops. Mousse is adjusting quite well...surprisingly. The only thing that's a bit of a problem is she can't seem to find a proper spot to "go." But, I guess if she has to go bad enough...she'll go. ;)

In other news...I have a certain "Bombay connection"...who has given me the insider hook up on getting some of my stories published in one of their local newspapers. I guess this means that SueVee's going international. ;)


Anonymous said...

thank you. now i want more pictures please.

kovoor36 said...

haha at sonia! congrats on being an intl super spy:) hehehehe!

Anonymous said...

im with son..i want to see pics of the apt!

Anonymous said...

woops..i was the anonymous..i forgot to type my name :/

Anonymous said...

yes i need to see pics of the apt as well:) and suevee going international? we knew it'd happen one day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on going International..
Great bible verse (I am sure I read that before, but am ashamed to say it never registered till today)