Tuesday, February 08, 2005

From start to....start!

I remember when I first met my buddy John. We were at a coffee shop and he was showing me this great story he started. Till this day, the man hasn't finished it. He's called me so many times and read me great "Starts" to awesome stories, but the starts never had an ending. I never understood what his problem was...until I started to suffer from the same problem. These days...I can only think of starts...no middles...and certainly no endings. Here's the start I worked on today. I have no clue where the hellz I'm going with this. But I know I really like the last sentence...now if I only could move on!!!

She watched the Bachelorette pass out the final rose and switched off the TV. “Romance is so over-rated,” she said to herself as she burrowed beneath her down comforter. She was so glad her mom convinced her to put the comforter on her wedding registry. Who would have thought it would be with her longer than her husband?

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