Friday, February 18, 2005


read something today about "pecking order." I had never heard that term being used before. It is the term used when a weak baby chick is born and all the other chickens peck it to DEATH. I thought that sounded really cruel and unusual, and as I really thought about it, I realized that humans do it too... Except humans "peck" with hostile words, balk talk, dirty looks, etc. It has the same affect as tears away at you. We tend to view those who are different to be "weaker" than us...somehow less of a person than we are. I've experienced this in my own life...for various different reasons...I'm sure we ALL have. I guess the best things to do to try to stop the pecking try to accept people for who they are and understand that in God's eyes we all are equal. It's definitely easier said than done...but it's like I was telling a friend of mine....we ALL have quirks. For example, I have a quirk that probably annoys most of my friends. I don't call married people. 9 out of 10 times, they have to call me. In my mind, I just don't want to bug them. Now, they can A. either accept that I don't call them and try to understand why...or B. get mad and talk noise about me being a lousy friend that never calls. So, I guess what I'm saying is...we accept the quirks and move on and deal if we can or just not be around the person if we can't...but try our best not to peck the heck out of our fellow man.

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

It's true that as humans we both give and receive pecks. Animals cannot help their behavior, it's mostly instinctual, but humans have that pesky 'free will' concept courtesy of Adam & Eve. I think often times, we forget that humans, unlike animals, can change the "pecking" pattern.