Thursday, February 17, 2005


Fifteen people are known to have been crushed to death tilting drinks machines
towards them in the hope of a free can of soda.

Worms reportedly taste like bacon.

Sheep outnumber humans in New Zealand.

Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts

Formicophilia is the fetish for having small insects crawl on your genitals. (I know because my friend Billy is a Formicophiliac)

Coca Cola was the first soft drink to be consumed in outer space.

99% of people can't lick their elbows

The creator of the NIKE Swoosh symbol was paid only $35 for the design

King Kong was Hitler's favorite movie. (Hmmm...explains a lot)

Polar bear fur is not white it is clear

Approximately 150 die per year from falling coconuts...that's more than shark deaths.

On average, a person will spend about 5 years of his life eating.

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