Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Beware of Charming Snakes..

"Baby, are those wings behing your back? Because, you've GOT to be an angel." This was a line thrown at me once from a charmer. Of course, the charmer was a friend of mine who was practicing corny lines on me. But in all seriousness, he did go around saying things like this to girls. I found it sick, but there are girls out there that swoon over such stupidity. If I actually heard something like this, I'd run the other fast as my little legs could take me.

I had a great convo the other day with one of my gal pals about "charmers." For some guys, it just comes naturally. He could be buying a stick of gum from a grocery store, and next thing you know, the cashier would be head over heels in love with the man. It's just something about his style, charisma, his natural smoothness. Then, there are the rest of the so-called charmers, who throw out cheesy lines and call any random girl "baby." Eww.

It's one thing if the guy is single and just trying to get some, but if he's married and still pulling this stuff????? Houston...we've gotta a problem! But, this happens every day. Some married men charm a little too hard and in their minds, it's A-ok because they're not DOING anything. They say things like "let me know if there's anything I can do for you?" this low-toned voice. I've wanted to ask...anything as in mow my lawn?? or anything as in...ya, know...anything. Eww.

My galpal and I were saying charmers are the most lethal guys to come in contact with and more lethal if you're married to him. Whether they're just naturally smooth or one of those gross kind that unbutton their shirts to show their hairy chests. It's one thing to have a guy open a car door for you, pull a chair for you, hold your hand when you cross the street...those are subtle charming acts. But girls, if you've met a guy who's eyes rove, charms other women when you're with him, or can sweet talk a grocery store cashier...those are great cues to make like a basketball and bounce. Don't let the snake charm you.

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

My favorite line is when when a guy checks your tag and goes, "I'm sorry I was checking to see if you were made in heaven." I mean come on, my thoughts proceeding an event like this are: a) why are you touching me??? b)i guess he missed the 'spawn of satan' emblem tattoed on my forehead and c) what makes you think you can win women over with that line, what was "hi, my name is________. i wanted to introduce myself and say hello," taken?? aye ve.