Monday, February 01, 2016


So a few of my friends have expressed some concern that I haven't been updating the blog.  And I have to admit...I just haven't felt up to it.  I've come to realize that this whole chemo thing isn't just 5 days of being ill.  It's 5 days of being VERY ill...and then the remainder of the 21 days being ill.  But, I have a lot of updates and good news to share, so I thought I'd pull myself together and write a blog post.

Dr H. worked his magic and got me my first appointment with MD Anderson...this week!  I will be meeting with one of the top oncologists in the country.  So it's safe to say I'll be in very good hands.  And even better news is that I get to meet with the oncologist and the surgeon at one time in one appointment!!  So it's not going to be a long drawn out process where I have to fly out to Houston several times to meet with different doctors.  The first appointment and some testing will be done in this trip!  In my heart, I knew I shouldn't be stressed about getting into MD Anderson.  From the beginning, God has made sure that I have excellent and timely care.  And I knew he wouldn't just stop providing a way for me now.

All that being said...I'm flying to Houston and I'm still attached to Charlotte.  I have to admit I have been stressing out about traveling with my chemo pack.  I know getting through TSA would be annoying and just traveling with it, showering with it, and dealing with it in a new environment would be challenging.  Today I called Dr. H to see if I could get my chemo refill early since I'll be in Houston on my refill day.  He gave me the best news ever!!!!  I'm going to get unplugged!!!  They're going to let me go chemo free for a week.  I couldn't be happier about this.  Not only will this make traveling a lot easier, but maybe I won't feel so run down the entire time in Houston.  This has just been another way that God has shown me that He is very present...and the small things I worry about aren't small in His eyes.

So, although I haven't been feeling well lately...I'm still feeling hopeful and blessed. I know that God gives me enough strength to get through each day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this post! God truly sees us through in every circumstance. Love love love you and your faith.