Monday, August 29, 2005

Okies say the derndest thangs...

Growing up in Oklahoma, I have tried my best NOT to let southern sayings seep into my mind. I've tried very hard to talk like a Yankee since I was born in Chicago and represent New York. But, once in a while, I catch myself saying something, and I realize that there's no use fighting it. I'm one of those "dern" southerners, despite how hard I try not to be.

A while back I wrote a post...educating myself and others about ebonic terms. It was greatly enjoyed by all and proved to be beneficial to me on my trip to Houston. When my cousin said "Watch out for the po-po." I knew she meant I needed to slow down because cops were near by. So, I thought I'd post a tutorial of sorts for you all to learn and understand "Okie" terminology...Not that I see a rapid influx of migration into Oklahoma ever occurring, but I figured you guys could use some help understanding me incase I blurt out these random words or phrases.

a girl's name
a greeting. (heidi nice to meet ya)

to ponder on. (i thank i left the keys in the car.)

mentally handicapped
no longer working ( my mom retard last year)

something you plant in the ground
past tense of see (I never seen the Eiffel Tower)

about to (I'm fixin to eat dinner)

pissed off (She talked back to me and I swear I was fit to be tied!)

desire (I've gotta hankering for some pickles)

a great place (When I got my back massaged, I was in Hog Heaven!)


kovoor36 said...

haha, thanks for the knowledge!!:)

Anonymous said...

um sue? its "howdy" not "heidi"


Sue V. said...

umm..suja...i'm not referring to hicks like us...i'm referring to country bumpkins and rednecks

Anonymous said...

Howdy y'all, I just read over y'all's post and I was laughin' harder than a coyote at a buck-toothed muskrat!!!!!! I tell you what, you definitely got all them sayin's pretty much right on the money!!!! I tell you what i was fixin' to mess my britches i was hee-hawin' so hard...keep up the good work!!!!!

Sue V. said...

thanks for your approval Billy...err, i mean Jethro!

Scorps1027 said...

ooh i've encountered some of these phrases during my years at college in peoria, illinois. my favorite one is "i'm fixing to..." that and " do you wanna go with?" and not finishing the sentence.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Susan,

I found the blog quite amusing. While I do not engage in the "redneck" vernacular of my fellow Oklahomans I do find it quite entertaining. Please continue to write about these hilarious subjects, kudo's to you.

happy roy said...

you know what's funny? my cousin who lives in oklahoma named their daughter heidi. i was like how the heck do you name a malayalee girl who lives in the boondocks heidi? she's going to be confused as it is about her identity. =) now i understand why they named her that. it's an okie thing