Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm like an Onion and Ogre...I've got many layers.

Name: Sue
Birthdate: 10/6/74 (oldddd)
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Current Location: Choklahoma Shity, Choklahoma
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra

LAYER TWO: On The Inside
Heritage : Indian
Shoes you wore today: Brown Sandals
Your weaknesses : food
Your fears: not feeling fulfilled in life
Your perfect pizza : Pepperoni & mushrooms with extra cheese

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase : Bout done there?
Last thoughts before sleep: I wish I didn't have work tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : I wish I didn't have to go to work today
Yourbestfeature: lashes
Your worst feature: everything else
Your bedtime: 10
Your most missed memory: childhood memories with my pops

Pepsi or Coke : coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McD's
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : Lipton.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!!
Cappuccino or coffee : Cappuccino

Smoke Pot : not this week
Cuss: like a sailor
Sing : nope, i lip sync
In love: i wish
Liked high school : oh hellz yah...funnest time of my life!
Believe in yourself: yes
Get motion sickness : yes, everytime i fly!
Think you're attractive: when i try to be
Think you're a health freak : getting that way
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Like thunderstorms : i sleep through them
Play an instrument: clarinet, piano, and tamobourine...none of them well

LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...
Drank alcohol: geez, just a few sips
Made Out: not while i was awake! aaaaaaaaahahaha
Gone on a date: nope
Gone to the mall?: yess
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i wish
Been on stage: no, i try to avoid that area
Gone skating: no
Gone skinny dipping: do i want to scare the fish?
Dyed your hair :yes
Stolen anything: nope

Played a game that required removal of clothing: uhm, no.
Been caught "doing something": doing what?

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: 25, I think i'm a bit late
Describe your dream wedding : that's not a good question to ask me. it could takes months for me to explain.
How do you want to die: in my sleep
What do you want to be when you grow up : write
What country would you most like to visit: Italy

LAYER NINE: In The Numbers...
Number of drugs taken illegally : 0
Number of CDs that I own: 0
Number of tattoos : 0

Number of times my name has appeared in a Newspaper/Magazine: 3
Number of scars on my body : 1 huge one


Scorps1027 said...

I love reading/filling out these things. I seriously think I could do one of these a day and not get tired. Thanks for filling me in on the many layers of YOU:)I quite often wondered what shoes you were wearing at a particular moment.

Anonymous said...

i agree too scorps..just another way we can stalk, i mean learn, about you :-)