Saturday, August 13, 2005

The question to ask is not "why"... but "how do we overcome?"

My day has been shaken by such grief that I can't even find the words to say. What is more painful is that my grief is but a minute fraction of the grief that someone else is feeling today. I think back to the moment I woke up...when things seemed so normal, and I would give anything to hold on to that feeling of normalcy. because now...just a few hours later...the sky is filled with dark clouds and it seems as if even nature is in mourning.

A few hours ago, I was pouting about being bored until I got a call that made my worries and problems seem so trivial. I was told that my friend's husband died today when he drown at a church picnic....trying to save a child who had swam out too far. Each word of this tragic news brought about more shock and more pain than the word before. I sat stunned for half an complete and utter disbelief. I just saw him last Saturday...he was preaching that night. He stood on stage with such he preached a message..."Fear Not." His words moved me that night...I thought about him and his wife afterwards...and was happy that God anointed them with such a ministry. How could that same person be gone just a short week the primetime in his life? He could have done so much more...

I think more than I mourn for him...i mourn for those he left behind. I know he is right where he wants to the right hand of the Lord who he served so faithfully. How can I not be happy for him in that sense? But, my heart is filled with so much sadness when I think of his beautiful, young wife...who has to find a way to live on with out him. I can't imagine her feelings at this moment...I continuously pray for her...because only God can carry her through this time. In October, they would have been married two years...they had such a short time together, but I know it was filled with a lot of love.

Sometimes, I want to drop to my knees and scream out loudly that my walls shake. But, what good would that do? I will never fully understand the ways of God. All I know is that He has a plan for us, his children...they are for good and not give us future and a hope. So asking why is the wrong question...the real question here do we overcome?


Anonymous said...

I am really sorry to hear about your friend's husband. Here I was thinking how my life is complicated, when others are going through such turmoil.

May God give her peace.. and strength.

Scorps1027 said...

Wow, this just goes to show you that life is so precious. we should really make the most of every moment by focusing on what is really important, not on silly nonsense that life loves to throw our way.

my prayers are with shibu's family and everyone touched by this tragedy.

kovoor36 said...

im so sorry to hear of this tragedy. God be with his family and friends right now.