Baby Alexis...how cute is she already?!?

Alex with Momma and Big Sister, Angelina

Alex w/Sue Aunty...probably the last time she'll let me hold her. =/

The big moment has arrived!

Ruby and Abu with their bridal party

Sheryl and Hannah @ the reception

Sheryl, Sujith, Jess, and Ash

The happy newlyweds

The couple and their tired looking wedding planner

hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil

Sunu A and the dapper Benjamin

Sheryl & Sujith

Baby Isiah making his social debut

First IPC crew with me cut out

Sunu and Wins

Flip, D, and Becca @ church Christmas get together

Donna, Densey, Dorette, and Priya

3 cuties...Ang, Jason, and Becca...they're all singers too!

Micahji..I just wanna eat him up sometimes!

Precious Landon's sweepy...

The girl after our performance...
great pics, sue! alexis really does look just like ang! amazing! i'm so happy for julie and derrick :)
looks like you did a splendid job on the wedding planning. love the pics!
i love ang's curls!
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