Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday, all. Literally. It's a chilly Friday morning in OKC. The weather has taken a turn for the worse, and we are experiencing 30 degree weather and a few snowflakes here and there. But, I'm getting off of work early, so no complaints here.

A special goodbye post to my dear friend Ruby and her sweet husband Abu. The newlyweds are packing up and moving to Dallas this weekend. I have lots of mixed emotions...insane jealousy, excitement when thinking about their new life with new possibilities, and lots of sadness when I realize she won't be one stoplight away from me anymore. Ruby, you are an amazing friend!! I am ever-so-grateful that God re-crossed our paths. You have been a constant pillar of strength and support for me, and I don't really know what I'm going to do with out you. However, near or far...I'm quite positive that you are going to be my forever friend. I love you so much and wish you the best in Dirty Dallas.

Happy Easter to the rest of ya....I hope you all take some time out of your weekend to reflect upon the cross and resurrection of our Savior. The price he paid for our sins is often forgotten. But despite the many times we have hurt Him, neglected Him, ignored Him completely, doubted Him, and turned away from Him...His love for us has never faltered. We hear the sermons quite often..."Jesus died for our sins."...but until His death becomes real to us...until His sacrifice is something our minds can grasp...we will never truly understand the depth of His love and His grace.

1 comment:

kovoor36 said...

its freezing here too! i hate it! isnt it spring??!?! anyways, good luck to ruby and her husband and happy easter to you too!!