Friday, April 08, 2005

Stupidity strikes again...

When I was a kid, I fell off of my bike and into an ant bed, ran smack into a wall while running away from my sister (I have the scar till this day), and I sprayed deoderant in my hair instead of hairspray one morning when I was hurrying to get ready for the bus stop. But that's ok, because kids do dumb things. It's acceptable.

As I got older, the stupidity continued. I've worn skirts to work inside out, worn two different color/style shoes to school, worn two different HEELED shoes to work, slipped in ice and sprained my ankle, tripped on steps and fell into a door, ran into my bosses door because I was flabbergasted by his cuteness, choked on my spit whilts talking to my cute boss, got lost on my way to Dallas (although I used to live there and have been there a million times), got lost in my neighborhood...the list is endless.

Yesterday, stupidity struck again! i was riding my bike through the hood, and I stopped at the Illustrious Finuji's to see how her begonia's that we bought last weekend were growing. Fins always gets on to me about the clothes I wear while riding bikes. I guess I don't look sporty enough for her. So yesterday, I wore knit comfy pants and a tee. The pants were way long even after pulling it up to my boobs. But what's new? I'm a midget, so everything's always long. I stopped and admired her begonia's since she wasn't home and then got back on my bike. I didn't get too far because my long pants somehow had got twisted around the pedal of my bike and for the life of me, I couldn't pedal anymore. I stopped at a curb and tried to untwist myself, but it wasn't working and my foot was sorta just hanging of this pedal like a growth. With one leg I walked/hopped the bike back to finu's house (not that she was there to help me), but perhaps I could set myself free without the entire neighborhood seeing the spectacle that was occurring. Once in her driveway, i noticed the pant leg had somehow knotted around the pedal. I began to fear that I would have to ride the bike home pantless in order to be free from this mess. It was nearly impossible for me to bend, balance the bike and untie all at the same time.

However, I did escape from the horriffic mess, folded my pants to my knees and rode home.


Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Poo, i'm totally NOT laughing at you......

okay, yea, part of my laughter is directed at you...but the rest of it is directed at the fact that this is totally something that would happen to me or my sister...or both of us at the same time! =) lolz...too funny

Anonymous said...

maan i wish someone had taken a pic of this adventure ;)

Anonymous said...

maan i wish someone had taken a pic of this adventure ;)

Scorps1027 said...

this happened to me before and i ripped my pants VERY badly. i guess the pod thing extends to our clumsiness as well!

Anonymous said...

poo...i could not stop laughing while reading this bc i can totally see this whole thing go freakin hilarious!!! but i gotta love u.

happy roy said...

i once sprained my ankle really badly (leading me into 3 months of PT) while jumping for joy while playing mini golf. so don't feel so dumb. :)