Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Babies who love chocolate are babies after my own heart...

I wonder if Ethan and Lauren have the remnants of their Mom's chocolate chip cookies on their faces...CCL makes the best chocolate chip cookies ever...what I wouldn't do for one right now!!

I love this picture of little Lauren..aka "baby sistah"...her wittle tongue looks so cute!

When I saw this picture of Lauren, I felt really sad. She looks like she's grown up so much...she has so much hair now...not just those tufts of soft curls here and there...she's got a full little head of hair!!...and teeth too?? now that she's going to be living in Houston...every time I see her and Ethan, they will have grown considerably...and I'll miss out on the cute baby stages. =(

CCL and Alex...I need weekly pictures of the kids...lots of them!

For more pictures of cuteness see the DC's blog


Anonymous said...

her smile melts my heart :*) she is SUCH a cutie freakin patootey!!! and the pic with the chocolate on their face?? to die for!! :) im with u suevee, ur CCL needs to send pics every week, too :)

Anonymous said...

man alive these kids are too freaking cute for words...and you're right, poo...lauren is so big already!! time is just FLYIN' by...

kovoor36 said...

they are too cute as well! laurens tongue stickign out is too cute for words!!