Thursday, August 31, 2006

Another day at Walmart...

I had a disturbing experience at Walmart again last night...I know, I know...maybe I should just stop going there, but I can't seem to sleep at night unless I spend half my yearly income there. =/ As I was leaving I heard the store alarm go off. Two people were walking out of the store at precisely the same time. One was a middle aged white women with a cart full of things and the other was a young black couple each holding a sack. The big, bad Walmart security (an old lady with lavendar hair and a blue smock) immediately went into Barney Fife mode. "Excuse me," she yelled..."Ex-cuse meeeeeeeeee." I watched carefully as the white lady with the a cart full of junk quickly stopped...and the black couple walked on obliviously. They weren't running as if trying to get away...just walking at normal pace...minding their own business. The white lady tried to get security's attention...but she was too busy screaming her head off walking quickly after the black couple. The lady saw me watching the entire situation...and turned to tell me..."I have electronics...I don't think they scanned it." I chuckled to myself as I watched the lavendar haired woman running after the black couple. Can we say racial profiling? Disturbing.

In other news, my Micahji is at home. I thought he should have one day to relax with his parents before I went for a visit...but I will be dropping in today for a visit...Check out more of his cuteness! courteousy SunuA again?

alright, alright...I'll smile for you...THERE!

Hey...take a pic of this one...I can wink too!


kovoor36 said...

everytime with the racial profiling!! and micah is adorable!!more pix, more pix, more pix!!!:)

Anonymous said...

finz & justin, micah is TOO cute for words :)) i cant wait for more pics, either :)

Anonymous said...

Dear JeffAunty,

Thank you for putting up pics of my good friend Micah!!!!!You are nice. I hope to one day capture you becuase it was my father's dream. ....bye.


Anonymous said...

Micah is too cuteee!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah i've had my own experiences with racial profiling at wally world. it's a loverly experience. =X

that picture of Micah winking is just too cute for words =)