Monday, August 07, 2006

here we are again...

Here we are...back at Monday. Seems like Monday gets here faster and faster each week. I woke up late this morning...Twenty minutes late. But, I got dressed and ready to go in 6 minutes flat. And yes, I look as frightening as you might assume.

My mom signed up for Ladies Prayer at our house this Thursday. So, I know this week will be a very annoying one. Why is it that moms act like Prayer Meetings are most important social gala of the year? On the way home from church she was already stressing about...stating that the house was too dirty and that she didn't know what to cook for the after-prayer snack. (Such important worries!) I assured her that I would clean sometime this week...but then she started listing off what needed to be detail...and I was getting increasingly annoyed. So I know all week long she will harp, nag, and annoy me until my tasks are completed.

Later that afternoon I saw her standing in the middle of the living room...Inspecting it as she mentally measured the circumference....making sure that that the THREE ladies who would come would have enough room to sit on the floor and fan out their prayer scarves. =/ I rolled my eyes...thinking...WHY IS THIS SUCH A BIG DEAL?!?

Even later that night, I was about to head to bed, and I hear her mumble something about not making chicken curry, but idali and sambar instead. Sadly, she was talking to herself...planning her menu for the event of the year.

If you love me, please think of reason for something important i need to do on Thursday to avoid this grand social gala of the year....poor mousse is stuck like chuck! she'll be banished to her quarters all evening. =/


Anonymous said...

we'll probably have OPYF practice that night.. we need missy to come... so you can bail for that can't ya?? :)

Anonymous said...

Just tell mommy that you will be going out on date with me.

She will understand my sweet little Suevee.

It will be just like the olden days when you would visit me at the Macdonalds. Remember all those free vanilla cones I would get for you?

kovoor36 said...

we banned the prayer meetings in the house. they jus twere too much and too nutty. i hope you figured out a way to escape tonite!!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaah nostalgia! As an elder's son I've had many such weeks - glad to hear that you made it through :)

Happy Friday!