Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6/6/06. I'm afraid the date's not phasing me. If anything, I hope that this IS the day that this world comes to an end. That would mean I wouldn't have to come to work tomorrow!

Per the advice from the peanut gallery, I'm working on some creative works for your reading pleasure. However, what started out as a short story is taking the form of a novella, so it might be a while till it's posted.

Pictures from this weekend... Angelina has proved to be a fearless baby. She's not scared of petting my 70 pound dog on its' mouth (unlike her Aunt Sonia, who was basically crying when she saw Mousse) and she's not scared of the water (unlike me, who took 2 swim classes and still doesn't know how to swim). I think she gets her bravery from her mother...no offense Q-tip! (I couldn't resist posting this picture of Q-tip's bare chest...although I know he will kill me for it later. We will call it pay back for the many times he has bafooned me. ;) And yah, I did get weird looks for basically being fully clothed in a pool.

Of course if you have a buncha goons telling you to look at the camera, you're going to turn around to look at those weirdos instead!

The goof troop and Angie


kovoor36 said...

she is too cute! and im kinda weirded out by the date i keep seeing it and im like whoa. but its prolly nothing and im just a dork, like usual!

Anonymous said...

aww...i just want to squeeeeeze angie's cheeks!