Thursday, December 31, 2015

NYE 2015 Pinterest Fail Party...

I spent the day in the clinic getting my 7 hour infusion of chemo cocktail.  BF accompanied me and we came fully stocked with lots of coloring books, iPads, books, mags...we didn't even use any of our entertainment sources.  We talked the entire time.  It's not often that we even get an hour of uninterrupted talk time so 7 hours was a rare and special treat.  The nurses and docs were in a great mood...they tried to make a pretty crappy situation into a fun one.  I think their plan worked because all the patients were pretty jovial.  They treated us to sparkling fruit juices that we could make toasts with, and Dr. H passed out gifts to his patients.  I even convinced Dr. H to take a picture with me with his silly NYE glasses!  He's always a great he obliged!
My BF & me....we were later joined by our 3rd counter part, can only bring 1 person with you to chemo but i was the last person in the chemo room, so they didn't mind that one more person had joined us for a little bit.  The three of us have gone a lot of places and done lots of things together...but I never ever imagined we'd be laughing together in a chemo clinic.

Me & BF cheering with our mango bellini & sangria sparkling juices!

Me & Dr H.  I'm pretty sure I am the only one who is able to convince him to do silly photographs like this with me because I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm his big sister from another mister....that's how he cares for me anyway...and I'm so grateful!
Luckily once I got back from infusion I felt pretty well.  My sister and I had whipped up some appetizers and desserts from a few pinterest recipes...which were all pinterest fails!!!!  I've never experienced a pinterest fail before, so I'm going to blame it on the chemo.  A few of my friends and my niece and nephew came over and we played games and ended the night at midnight with sparklers!   By that time...I was totally SPENT!

Had a great time ringing in the new year with my sister and the kids!
Wishing you all a New Year full of sparkles and the presence of  God's light and love in your lives!

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