Sunday, March 26, 2006

Book Review ~ Exodus

I decided a while ago that I would do my best to attempt reading the entire Bible this year. I finished Genesis a while ago, and hesitated before starting Exodus. I just wondered what I could possibly get out of the book of Exodus? I’d heard the story of Moses and the Israelites a thousand times before in Sunday School classes when I was growing up…so the thought of reading about it all again seemed like a total bore.

But, I finally broke down and started reading, and I realized that it was way more than just a redundant story I heard as a kid. The book of Exodus is a story about the journey of life. As I was reading it, I found myself getting highly annoyed and agitated with the Israelites. How could God’s chosen ones be such a whiney lot? I mean seriously, I found myself wanting to scream, “ you want some cheese with that whine??” I mean, God so graciously freed them from their captors, parted the Red Sea, AND on top of all that, He provided them with manna when there was no other food and STILL they griped, complained, and doubted. I was so irritated with them that I was thinking “sheesh…the nerve of these whiners!” But then, I realized that they reminded me of someone. They reminded me of someone I knew well…someone I see every day….MEEEEEEE!

This is when I began to understand that the Exodus from Egypt is much like the journey of life. God has provided for me all along the way, yet I still grumble, whine, and doubt because I fear the unknown and doubt His promises. I saw in the Israelites what God sees in me, and I was completely ashamed and embarrassed.

One of my favorite portions of the book is when the Israelites had to battle the Amelikites, and Moses had to raise his hands towards heaven in order for the Israelites to win the battle. The minute he lowered his hands, his people were losing. So Aaron and Hur helped Moses raise his hands, and Joshua and the Israelites were able to win. This was really encouraging because it reminded me that despite the hardships and battles in life, I should always lift my hands towards heaven in praise in order to overcome. Like Moses, I’m fortunate to have people in my life that help remind me to keep praying, keep focusing on God, and keep believing that I too will win my battle.

As you can see, I learned a lot from the Book of Exodus, and I’m looking forward to the next book!


cookiemonsta said...

Sue.. i am reading the Bible from the beginning also, and planning to finish it in one year :)

I am reading Joshua now!

Anonymous said...

AMEN sue!

Anonymous said...

sue - you make me wanna start reading all this over again...thanks for pointing out how God is continuously faithful even to the faithless...i need these kicks every so often:)

kovoor36 said...

yes very inspirational... i started once to read the bible from cover to cover and got lost someplace in genesis.... im a loser, but this truly makes me want to start again!!