Friday, March 24, 2006

The Monkey Phenomenon...

I was listening to the radio this morning...I try to start the day off listening to Christian puts me in a positive zone for the rest of the day. But, somewhere along my 20 minute commute I switch the station to my friends on 97.9. I say "friends" because I've been listening to these folks for years, and I'm often known to say things like "Joey and Heather said such and such..." as if I really know who they are. Anyway, today on the show, they were discussing the monkey phenomenon. According to Kevin, one of the newest members of the show, someone once pointed out to him that you can't go through a 24 hour span with out seeing a monkey, hearing a monkey sound, or hearing the word monkey...I thought this was insane at first, until I really started to think about it. I know I see a monkey nearly every day when I sign on to my my space account, because Billy's profile has his self portrait (a picture of a gorilla)...but, now I'm curious to see if I see/hear a monkey on days I don't sign on myspace. to join the monkey phenomenon study with me? I'm most curious about this now!

In other news...It's Friday! It's been the absolute longest week ever! I was hoping I'd be in Dallas this weekend...but no dice. I have yet to hear from the potential job...perhaps no news is good news...maybe I just need to be patient. I've been dying to go to lunch with someone all week. Sitting in my car and napping is just getting old. I never had this problem when BF lived here. We used to go to lunch together every day. We even car-pooled to work...I've forgotten what it feels like to always have your friend around wherever you go. Billy and I just figured out that we work about 10 minutes away from each other, so we've scheduled lunch together on Monday (since the sucker gets every Friday off) at my favorite place...SUBWAY! I'm not so sure why it took us a year to figure this out...I think we're both just directionally challenged!

Anyway, I have nothing on tap for this weekend...hopefully warmer days, so I can get in some dog-walking and some very essential car cleaning!! Hope you all have a marvelous weekend!


cookiemonsta said...

Sue.. May be you should call the Dallas people. Then they'll be more interested, because you are showing interest. Just call and be like you wanted to know the status of the application. I really hope you get that job. You need a change.. Go there or come to philly.. you pick!

kovoor36 said...

good luck with the job, i hope good things are coming!! and i need to clean my trashcan of a car too!!! have a nice weekend!!:)